Wednesday, January 19, 2005


Today the word "PURPOSE" kept coming to me.

Firstly, when I got back in the evening, I saw the lovely bloom of the hibiscus flowers in the garden, and so I remarked that I should take a photo of it. To which my mum, remarked, "If you want to take, better take now. The hibiscus flower only lasts one day and wilts at night." Which made me wonder... What a waste that this beautiful flower blooms for just one day, and then dies. But I came to realise, that the flower functioned for the purpose it was designed for. To bloom, attract insects, get fertilized and wilt.

For those who remember, I found it hard at the last retreat to pick something to describe what I felt. But looking at that flower, made me reflect on my own purpose in life. What was the purpose of God giving me breath and life each morning. I also realised that many days just go by, without me thinking of the purpose.

And then as I was in the goood shepherd room, I saw the poster which had the words from Archbishop Oscar Romero's A Future Not Our Own. This was also telling us about God's purpose for us in our lives. And lastly the passage for sharing from Eph 3, alsp spoke about the revealing of God's purpose through Christ and St Paul to the gentiles.

So the challenge for me is to take some time each day, to reflect on my purpose for that day. Whether I can be like the hibiscus flower and bloom each day a different flower, to attract others with the sweet Love of Christ. (At the moment its talk, and hopefully someday can reach)

And I also realised that just long as I have stopped blogging, I have also stopped reading the Purpose Driven Life. I really should finish up the last few chapters.

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