Tuesday, January 11, 2005

The Lion King & The Wedding Dinner

Today at Mass, during the consecration, when Fr Ho was lifting up the Host, I all of a sudden had a flashback of "The Lion King", where the Rafiki, the wise man of the jungle lifts up Simba, the new king of the jungle, all the animals gathered bow down to pay homage. And I guess, that's what I should be feeling during that time of consecration, when the Host is shown to me. That is my king.

And then at our Tuesday sharing, Colin chose the passage from Jn 6:22-59. The topic on the Eucharist. And I guessed I've come to realise that in this year of the Eucharist, i have subconsiously focused on the Eucharist in my life. And I've been trying to make it relevant in my life.

Take for example my Sunday's sharing on the eucharistic celebration compared with a wedding dinner. I've come to realise that how interested we are in the mass stems from our relationship with Christ. Much like our attitude / joy at a wedding dinner depends on our relationship with the couple.

There are those wedding dinners, that we dread to go because we barely know the couple, and we are there because its a neighbour or boss' daughter. And we can't wait for the last course to be over, so that we can go home and sleep.

And then there are those wedding dinners, which we look forward to weeks ahead, we talk about what we are going to wear, how we can help. And at the actual dinner we actually spend time talking to the couple, to our friends around. And at the end of the dinner, we stay on to continue the celebration of that joyous event with the couple.

And so, I guess, for most of my first 24 yrs of life. Mass was a chore, or a habit, something I just did, without much focus on God's presence, or in a word "Sacrament".

And I thank God for sending Fr Erasto last year, and posting Fr Ho here and making the mass more reflective & meaningful in my life.

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