Tuesday, May 17, 2005


WWJD - What would Jesus Do?
That is the question that has been coming up over the weekend. WWJD when confronted with a moral dilemma, WWJD at a PPC meeting, WWJD about dvd piracy and even as I found out last nite in the CAYC toilet, WWJD in the toilet.

So when Gerry posed this scenario to me, and asked What Would You Do? Inside me, was hmm what would Jesus have done?

Gerry : There was this priest standing outside the church, waiting for mass to end. Then he saw these two boys walking out of church with one party scolding the other, kept on scolding the other. He walked up to both the boys and asked what was the matter. The former then told the other boy, "you tell Father, you tell Father what in the world did you do just now?" The second boy kept silence. The priest's curiousity was aroused and he asked what was the matter again. The first boy got real fed-up and told the priest "Just now we went up for communion, this friend of mine isnt catholic and I told him to go up with his arms across his chest and ask for blessings. I told him repeatedly." Then when we walked up, when he saw everyone stretching out his hands, he too followed likewise and do so. Aiyo, Father, my friend not catholic, how can he receive the Body of Christ??" The second boy still kept silent. The priest was pretty amused and before he could react, the second boy stretched out his arms, opened his hands and said "Here, take your God back." so what will you have done in this situation?

Terence : said "no he is your God too"

Gerry : and? what are you doing to do with the host that is still in his hand?

Terence : I would take it from him, and use it to explain to him....not why he cannot receive God. but explain to him a bit about the eucharist. and ask him...if he wants to find out more about this God that loves him

Gerry : i see i see, thank you for your answer :)

Terence : model answer....steady right.
hope can do it if it happens in real life ;-)
And my last statement really made me think. Given this kind of scenarios or questions, we have time to stop and think, what is the "Christianly correct" thing to do. To think WWJD then. But if it were to happen in real life, would I be able to think that on the spot? Or would it depend on my mood that day.

Sadly to say, the "WWJD fad" came and gone. It was a fad, because it was just a fashion statement, all the accessories. It became the In Thing. But like I was reflecting last nite in the ador. Unless I constanly seek to do Christ's work in my life, its going to need a lot of reminders like a WWJD wristband to remind me. I won't be able to say all the right stuff to the young boy who comes with the host in his hand.

And I think the last line from yesterday's Gospel puts it quite simply "This kind can only come out through prayer." (Mk 9:29)

Drop a comment and share What would you do in the situation of the priest.

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